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One of the secrets of real magic is that it is controlled by the mind. The more things in your ritual to help your mind associate with your goal, the more powerful your ritual may be. Colored candles, scented oils, natural incenses, and more all add to the impact of the magic you wish to do. But how do you know which incense to burn? Is it possible to add scented oils together to get a more powerful oil? And how do you make your own appropriately-scented tools?   The answers to questions like these and hundreds more can be found in The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews by world-famous author Scott Cunningham. This is a greatly expanded and rewritten version of The Magic of Incenses, Oils and Brews. It includes over 100 new formulas, proportions for each element of the recipes (the most requested feature from his previous book), how to substitute ingredients, and much more. Besides the formulas, it also includes the exact methods of making all of these scented tools, including how to extract the essences from the herbs.   Each one of the formulas in this magic book is precise and easy to make. Do you need luck? Take 2 parts vetivert, 2 parts allspice, 1 part nutmeg, and 1 part calamus, grind them together as finely as possible, then sprinkle the powder in a circle around you, beginning and ending in the East and moving clockwise. Sit within this circle and absorb the powder\'s energies. Also included are other ways to use magical powders that will have you coming up with your own ideas for them, too.   There is a legion of recipes for incenses. There are three for the sun and two for consecrating talismans. There are incenses for each of the astrological signs and ones to help you study better and gain success. You\'ll also find incenses for each of the planetary influences. There are four for Saturn alone!   This compendium of magical lore is a vital tool for every magical person on any magical path, whether you are a beginner or an expert.


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Trebuie să știi că site-ul plinuldecarti.ro nu distribuie cărți integrale în format PDF, ci doar PDF-uri conținând câteva pagini ale cărților puse la dispoziție de cei care au muncit din greu la carte. Da, s-a muncit din greu la fiecare dintre cele 288 pagini. Atunci când vei descărca cartea integrală The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews - Scott Cunningham în format PDF în telefonul sau calculatorul tău, de pe orice site online, practic nu doar că faci o ilegalitate, dar nici nu îți arăți aprecierea față de munca autorului cărții, Scott Cunningham. Respectă-le munca și cumpără cartea dintr-o librările, la cel mai mic preț.